Casons day 4

How to save money cason

The first step is to make sure that you bring plenty of American one dollar bills. Also make sure that you don’t listen to the roadside people on their prices. No matter what they say the price is you can get it for Lower. Say for instance you want something for 500 Egyptian pounds. (Roughly 15 dollars) you can get it for four lower. But they are very aggressive. Oliver (Emelia’s biggest brother) was wondering what the price of an exotic instrument was but did not have the correct amount of currency(60$) so he ran away and got ran after and tried to sell it for 45$. Oliver was absolutely flabbergasted that he had dropped the price by an equivalent of 15 dollars which he would have never expected the price to drop so exponentially. Meanwhile I(cason) got two for 15$. Now when in a crowded area people will crowd you throwing things on you for you to buy it and there are many ways to avoid this but my personally is to just run away when they throw things at you. You are faster than they are. Even if it doesn’t look like it you are.


Day 4 Egypt Ms.Sarah


Day 3 Egypt with Ms.Sarah